
The Ice Fountain is a plaything of the elements and looks different every day. Ice draws patterns on the copper skin of the sculpture. The extent to which the fountain forms, or does not form, layers of ice depends on the sun, humidity, temperature, wind and precipitation. The energy for the Ice Fountain is generated by solar panels. The surrounding trees turn red in autumn. They refer to Boniface and his followers who were murdered in Dokkum. For an optimal shadow effect, the sculpture makes use of the natural, systematic arrangement of leaves around a centre point. The result of over 100 million years of evolution in the plant world.

copper, cooling pipes, solar panels, trees
2 m high, 3 m wide

Location: the Market, redeveloped on the basis of a plan by Leemeijer, in collaboration with urban planners and a local advisory group.
Address: Markt 28, 9101 LS Dokkum

The Ice Fountain

Birthe Leemeijer


Birthe LeemeijerNL

Birthe Leemeijer (1972) lets us experience nature in a sensory way. This is not meant to be without engagement: she points out, almost casually, that nature and the landscape are undergoing drastic changes with incalculable consequences. In her research she combines different forms of knowledge. The unfulfilled longing and loss felt at a specific place are an important source for her to draw on.

For Birthe Leemeijer, working in the open is the ideal condition to discover the meaning of art and its place in the world. The work is exposed to many different perspectives and influences that acquire meaning. The presence of nature and the value we attach to it play an essential role in her work. She wants us to experience nature in a physical and sensory way. All her work aims to seduce us to do so. But there should be engagement: she points out, almost casually, that nature and the landscape are undergoing drastic changes as a result of cultural, economic and political interventions and circumstances, with incalculable consequences. In her research into this, scientists and local groups are often involved. Important works she has realized include L’Essence de Mastenbroek (2005-2012), De Onbegrense Tuinen (The Unlimited Gardens) (2013), Vanishing Staircase (2018).

Experience Dokkum

Centuries ago, Dokkum was located directly by the sea, and thus a very important town for trading and defence. But over time, the direct connection with the sea silted up, and Dokkum lost its function as a coastal town. Nature and climate continue to influence this northernmost part of Friesland, but nowadays Dokkum is mainly known for being a surprisingly hip hidden gem. Shop in the many boutiques, have lunch on the waterfront… This 40-minute walk will take you past Dokkum’s natural highlights. 


Site-specific Art by Birthe Leemeijer

Birthe Leemeijer (Amsterdam, 1972) does not create static artworks. Observation, listening, and allowing things to happen are important to her. ...

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